Quotations of Power!

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination"

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hello loyal viewers! This is my newest project in Web Design. Over the last few days, I've been working on this "Real or Hoax" website. This was a difficult process overall. Even though our teacher provided the content for the site, we all still had the difficult project of coding the css for the page. This was made much easier by designing a general website template before we even started the project. From there, I proceeded to add my own color scheme, then fill the page with the provided content. The only thing I would likely do in a different way is dial down the color scheme a little. It's not exactly easy on the eyes... Overall, I enjoyed this project and am excited to possibly start building from scratch in the near future.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hello Loyal viewers! This is my newest 2D Animation Project. For this project, I wanted to do something between WALL-E and 9... It turned out well. I ended up blending the multiplane skills with the walking skills... Funny thing about animation: You only need to move the background and feet to make a character walk. The Villain used a lot more puppet pins, and had a lot more moving parts than my Hero. I also needed him to use a weapon mounted to his arm. It was also difficult to have the Villain drop his clip. If you look carefully, you'll also notice the gun on the Villain's arm is actually a WW1 Lewis Machine Gun. The Hero was easy. He needed no pins, since he had no joints to deal with. I was going to add music: "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" by the Ink Spots. But I sadly ran out of time. If you want, you can listen to it up until the radio is shot. Enjoy!
Behold! The Exposition! This is our Hero walking beside a building that details what has befallen the world.

This is the Villain taking aim at the Hero. In a few seconds, he will discover that he is, in fact, out of ammo.

Here, we see the Villain's demise at the hand of our Hero. Knowing he can't fight the Villain, he decides to outsmart him.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

 This is my next Project in Web Design! We were tasked with creating a bio page, so I did. In it, I included things like my favorite links, my pet peeves, and what I do in my free time. I also have a links page to show said sites.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hello loyal viewers! Today I have a question, what would be the coolest superpower ever? Cartoon logic! Or, as we animators call it, the plausible impossible. This video contains several fun examples of this.

1. When Donald first opens the door, Gus hits him repeatedly with his umbrella. As he does this, you hear a clanking sound similar to banging two pots together. Now, I've been hit with an umbrella, and my head doesn't sound like that. Hopefully no one's head does. But, under the circumstances, this seems quite possible. Think about a head, especially the head of someone whose intellect you wouldn't exactly compliment. You may joke about their head being hollow. This exact logic applies to a cartoon you may not think of as smart, like Donald.

2. Another example comes when Gus rushes into the house to eat. Gus hits the chair and his body appears to vibrate, similar to a guitar string. It's as if he has rubber bones. Under the circumstances though, it kind of makes sense. Gus hits the chair with a tremendous amount of force. And as we all know, if you hit something hard enough, it's going to vibrate.

3. After Gus finishes the corn, he moves on to the meat and bread. He takes a pile in each hand, then shuffles them like cards. As funny as this is, it isn't possible to just shuffle bread and meat, no matter how good of a shuffler you are. But, in a way, this does make sense. Bread and meat are both flexible, and who says you may not be able to compact them and shuffle them.

4. A fourth example comes when Gus starts on the spaghetti. From his coat he grabs two needles and proceeds to knit the spaghetti into a sock, before slurping it down his throat. Spaghetti isn't strong enough to be knitted into a sock. It would snap under it's own weight. But, since spaghetti closely resembles string, and is in many ways similar, Gus may just have what he needs to knit it into a sock.

5. Finally, a moment comes when Gus uses a loaf of bread to soak up a mug of coffee. It does this in a fashion similar to a pipet, and much faster than a sponge. Bread, even though it can absorb water, cannot do so in such a manner. But, since it is somewhat absorbent, it can be assumed that it can soak up water.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hello loyal viewers! This was our next project in animation! Following in the footsteps of Walt Disney, we created a multiplane background. I myself created a World War 1 battlefield with a personal twist, airships moving across the sky. I learned how to stagger background layers to create a 3D appearance. I also learned how layer effects can also add a 3D appearance, such as stroke and satin. And finally, I learned that adjustments to opacity of light colors can make them look a lot like searchlights. Thanks for viewing and feel free to comment!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Keyframes in AfterEffects

Original Drawing of Animation

Drawing to Animation.

Hello my few loyal viewers! Those of you who are steampunk geeks like myself will likely look at this and go,"Huh, that looks an awful lot like a cross between a Dishonored Tallboy, and a walking machine from 9..." Well loyal viewers, you are correct in that assumption... I drew this fascinating machine and then scanned it into Photoshop. It was in Photoshop that I colored and sized it appropriately. I then moved it into After Effects where I put it together and animated it. It was by far the hardest animation I've ever done. The legs on the sides instead of behind a body made it particularly difficult. (Who knew walking was so hard.) But after crab walking everywhere for about three days, I finally got the motion down. After that, it just came down to timing. All in all, I loved this animation and can't wait to do another like it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

This is Bocefus the worm. My next animation project. I made him in After Effects and used puppet pins to animate him. It took some work but all in all it was a fun project.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bounce Animation Project

This is the first animation for e-Comm this year... I learned how to use Adobe After Effects to animate in a way similar to Photoshop. I used this program to make the ball squish as it bounced, similar to a rubber ball, by altering the scale of the ball. Then used the arcs to make it ease in and out to actually make it look like it's bouncing. This is likely a complete over explanation of how this animation came to be and you will likely spend less than a minute viewing the animation... But it was fun to make... Enjoy...

Friday, August 22, 2014

This color wheel was my first project in web design this year. I made it in Adobe Illustrator, a program similar to Photoshop. During this project, I was introduced to the format and workings of this program. I learned a good deal about how to form shapes and mass produce images using the program. It has some advantages over photoshop, such as the ability to copy images while holding down option, making work productive and effecient. I'm looking forward to a great year in web...
Hello World! I am Jake Combs, a student at ONW. I going to be sharing with you my experiences as a sophomore, and student in the e-Comm program.