Quotations of Power!

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination"

-Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Drawing to Animation.

Hello my few loyal viewers! Those of you who are steampunk geeks like myself will likely look at this and go,"Huh, that looks an awful lot like a cross between a Dishonored Tallboy, and a walking machine from 9..." Well loyal viewers, you are correct in that assumption... I drew this fascinating machine and then scanned it into Photoshop. It was in Photoshop that I colored and sized it appropriately. I then moved it into After Effects where I put it together and animated it. It was by far the hardest animation I've ever done. The legs on the sides instead of behind a body made it particularly difficult. (Who knew walking was so hard.) But after crab walking everywhere for about three days, I finally got the motion down. After that, it just came down to timing. All in all, I loved this animation and can't wait to do another like it.

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